KitePower    festival edition
Version History
Release Date Version Notes
May 6, 2018 3.5
  1. Added ability to enable/disable ground crew assignments. This is done at the festival level. By default this is disabled.
  2. Added ability to define if fliers are staging in from 1 or 2 sides of the field. This is done at the festival level and used when creating ground crew assignments. By default this is disabled.
May 5, 2018 3.4
  1. Added back button to top menu.
  2. Added FileSaveAs under the Help menu.
September 7, 2017 3.3
  1. Fixed bug where disciplines can not be unhidden.
  2. Fixed display bug where festival dates where blank.
  3. Fixed bug where new festival dates had times in them.
  4. Added ability to delete Festival Schedule Date and Times.
Feb 12, 2016 3.2
  1. Fixed Sqlite version issues with incorrect quoting of inserted values.
  2. Added backward compatibility with MySQL.
  3. Another fix to the 'smart times' feature introduced in version 3.1
  4. Empty reports now indicate there was nothing to report instead of displaying a blank page.
June 28, 2015 3.1
  1. Refactored much of the code and combined various private versions together.
  2. Enhanced Festival Schedule screen to use 'smart times'.
February 19, 2012 3.0
  1. Ported all the code to use Sqlite instead of MySql
  2. Ported all the code to work with EXE compiler instead of dWebPro run time package.
  3. Changed from using a Cookie for the working festival to a database table.
August 20, 2009 2.2
  1. Added ability to delete festivals that have results assigned to them.
    This also deletes all associated data for that festival.
  2. Added 'Participants':'Delete' menu option and the ability to find and delete unused participants.
  3. Removed 'hidden' disciplines from the festivals schedule page (unless the discipline has participants associated with it).
  4. Fixed bug that kept changing AM to PM and vice versa for all hour 12 entries in the festival schedule.
August 8, 2009 2.1
  1. Added Precision Scoring as defined by the International Sport Kite Judges Book version 2.2.
    Essentially this removes the Critical Components (30/30/40 scoring) in favor of a single value for each compulsory figure.
  2. Added support for MIX disciplines (STACK and AJSKA use only -- not allowed under AKA rule book).
  3. Removed music penalty from Precision events (doh!).
  4. Fixed bug that prevented removing a Pit Boss assignment.
  5. Rearranged data entry order of 'choreography' and 'execution' in ballet events to align with the printed score sheets from the AKA web site.
    This duplicates the June 20, 2007 patch that some people appear to have missed.
  6. Sorted list on League Discipline and Combined Events pages.
  7. Added HyperLinks from the Participants Assign page to the Participants Update page.
  8. Added Support for Windows Vista OS
  9. Fixed annoying popup windows (Please Pick a Festival) that displayed when not needed.
July 4, 2007 2.0
  1. Added League Rankings and integrated it into the existing menu's as well as new league specific menu's.
  2. Added Pairs and Team members names to all reports.
  3. Corrected spelling of Pit Boss (was Pitt Boss).
June 20, 2007 1.2.1
  1. Rearrange Choreography and Execution data entry boxes for Ballet so they are in the same order as the score sheets on the AKA web site.
June 17, 2007 1.2
  1. Added ability to update Discipline short name, long name, and hidden flag.
  2. Added ability to delete unused Discipline.
  3. Added ability to hide Disciplines from data entry screens.
  4. Create "show Discipline's" page
  5. Created new distribution method with self extracting exe files.
  6. Created new database patching method for updates utilizing a one time page to update the database and then remove itself.
  7. Added new Discipline Type of "Precision (using 0-100 scale)". This allows users to create precision disciplines that are not 30-30-40 based.
    NOTE: To use 0-100 based scoring instead of 30-30-40 scoring for your precision events you need to create new disciplines and select the "Precision (using 0-100 scale)" Discipline Type. Before you do this, it is recommended you delete and/or "rename and hide" the already defined precision disciplines.
May 18, 2007 1.1.1
  1. Added 4 missing files to the 5/13/2007 update distribution zip files:
  2. Both zip files were missing...
    • add_discipline.php
    • common_db_functions.php
    • calc_scores_all.php
    • calc_scores_part_2.php
May 13, 2007 1.1
  1. Added ability to add new disciplines.
  2. Modified Discipline Type names which are now visible when adding new disciplines.
  3. Rearranged menu's to:
    • make the discipline list the main/home page
    • make the 'select festival' page display on initial startup
    • shortened some of the menu names
  4. Removed all unused disciplines from the (new) main page. And added a message explaining the need to add some judges and competitors to at least one discipline before anything will be shown on this page.
  5. Added prompt to 'Reports: All Results' for number of places to hide.
May 4, 2007 1.0.1
  1. Fixed bug where you had to select a festival before creating a new festival.
  2. First public release using encrypted source code.
Feb 25, 2007 1.0
  1. Added support for adding, updating and deleting festivals.
  2. Released for public use February 25, 2007.
October 2006 0.8 pre-release
  • A single user application written in PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and MySQL.
    First use was October 2006 at the AKA Grand Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa.